Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Flax Floral Botanical Flowers

Branding Proposals

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Vector Cosmos Floral Botanical Flowers. Black and White Engraved Ink Art. Isolated Cosmea Illustration Element.
Flax Floral Botanical Flowers

Projects are like flowers, in order for them to bloom you need to nurture them everyday!

Making projects

Cosmos Botanical Flower

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Welcome to Su Starbright Branding Process, a personalized haven for artists, musicians, coaches, healers, and regenerative projects seeking to birth purpose-driven brands.

We embark on a journey to ground your ideas and dreams. this process lies in crafting tailor-made experiences that seamlessly weave your unique qualities into a soulful brand – a true reflection of your essence.

This isn't your typical branding process; it's a collaborative journey to expand your vision, bringing you into full alignment with your purpose, blending seamlessly key elements, words, and symbols that encapsulate the mastery of your brand.

This alchemical process is designed to help you birth a brand that mirrors your essence and aligns harmoniously with the symphony of your life's journey.

With a gentle guidance, your ideas will take tangible form, resonating with the audience your brand truly deserves, illuminating the path to finding the true essence of a soulful brand.

Work Methodolgy

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Soul Branding: A true transformation


Session 1: Unveiling Your Unique Essence

Objective: Initiate a deep exploration of your unique essence, integrating energy healing and uncovering your primary animal archetype.

  • Introduction to Personal Branding Alchemy:

Embarking on a purpose realignment,

  • Energy Healing and Alignment:

Identify and release blockages hindering authentic expression.

  • Animal Archetype Exploration

Identify and connect with your primary animal guide. Setting the tone for our journey.

Session 2: Rewriting your story

  1. Clarity on Offerings:
    • Dive deep into a comprehensive review of your offerings.
    • Gain clarity on refining and enhancing your services, aligning them more closely with your authentic self.
  2. Showcasing Your Talents:
    • Explore effective strategies to showcase your talents in a way that captivates and engages your audience.
    • Learn techniques to authentically communicate your unique value proposition.
  3. Creative Offering Packages:
    • Collaboratively design creative offering packages that resonate with your audience.
    • Explore innovative ways to bundle your talents and services for maximum impact.
  4. Personal Transformation – Rewriting Your Story:
    • Explore and reshape the story you tell about yourself, aligning it with your authentic identity.

Session 3: Exploring the Colors of Your Soul – Visual Identity

  1. Color Energy Mapping
    • Understand the energy and symbolism associated with colors.
    • Connect personal experiences with specific colors.

  1. Color Palette Development
    • Translate insights into a color palette that aligns with your soul's expression.
    • Discuss the emotional impact of chosen colors on your audience.

  1. Visual Storytelling with Colors

    • Explore how the chosen colors can be woven into your personal brand narrative.
    • Discuss how to visually communicate your essence through color.

Session 4: Visual Alchemy, embodying your true self

Visual Alchemy and Mood Board; Immerse yourself in the art of visual alchemy as we create a mood board that breathes life into the magical essence of your brand.

Visual References – Portals to Imagination: Open portals to imagination with visual references that inspire and guide your brand's aesthetic.

Symbols That Resonate in the Unseen: Unearth symbols that resonate in the unseen, weaving a tapestry of meaning and connection. Explore the symbolic language that communicates the mystical core of your brand.

Embodying your authentic self:

  • Appearance: Align your personal style with the visual elements of your brand, reflecting its mood, colors, and overall aesthetic.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Use body language and expressions that reinforce the visual identity established during the branding process.

50% down payment.

50 % Before our last session

Delivery time: 40 days

1 meeting per week


Branding Proposals | 2022

4 Session Package

Soul Branding: A true transformation

4 1 on 1 Zoom Calls

Vision Board Templates

Symbolism and Imagery Guidelines

Color Palette Inspiration guidelines

Weekly Recorded practices for tailored made for your evolutionand growth

Rebirth Ritual & Ceremony

1250 USD


Color Palette

Simple Brand Guidelines PDF

Digital Assets

Pre made Illustrated Icons adjusted to the brand.

750 USD

Brand identity

add ons

Storytelling & Journaling Prompts


This price is only if you have done the 4 session soul branding package

Work Methodolgy

Brand Identidy Package I


Basic Brand identity package

  1. Mood board envisioning
  2. Logo Design:
    • Primary logo: A simple and clean logo that represents the brand's identity.
  3. Color Palette:
    • Primary color palette : A color palette that reflects the brand's tone and personality.
  4. Typography:
    • Primary font: A single font for all branding materials to maintain consistency.

  • Brand Guidelines:
    • Logo usage: Guidelines on how to use the logo correctly in different contexts.
    • Color usage: Instructions on when and where to use the primary color.
    • Typography guidelines: Guidelines on font sizes and styles for various text elements.
  • Digital Assets:
    • Logo files: High-resolution versions of the logo in different formats (PNG, SVG, JPG).
    • Color swatch: A digital swatch or code for the primary color.
  • Stationary design; (Business cards)

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024


Brand Identity

1 envisioning call

3 rounds revisions via e-mail

1 illustrated Logo, color palette, Typography, brand guidelines & digital assets

1050 USD

Journaling propmpts for self reflection

Work Methodolgy

Brand Identidy Package II


Basic Brand identity package

  1. Mood board envisioning
  2. Logo Design:
    • Primary logo: A simple and clean logo that represents the brand's identity.
  3. Color Palette:
    • Primary color palette : A color palette that reflects the brand's tone and personality.
  4. Typography:
    • Primary font: A single font for all branding materials to maintain consistency.
  • Brand Guidelines:
    • Logo usage: Guidelines on how to use the logo correctly in different contexts.
    • Color usage: Instructions on when and where to use the primary color.
    • Typography guidelines: Guidelines on font sizes and styles for various text elements.
    • Instagram Templates
  • Instagram highlights Icons (5)
  • Instagram feed templates (5)

  • Digital Assets:
    • Logo files: High-resolution versions of the logo in different formats (PNG, SVG, JPG).
    • Color swatch: A digital swatch or code for the primary color.
  • Stationary design; (Business cards)

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Brand Identity

& Social Media templates

1 envisioning call & 1 follow up call

3 rounds revisions via e-mail

1 illustrated Logo, color palette, Typography, Illustrated highlight icons, instagram feed templates. Brand guidelines & digital assets

1500 USD

Journaling propmpts for self reflection


Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

"Working with Su surprised me. Not having done branding work before, nor knowing how spirituality and business might mix, I did not know what to expect, and yet, I was pleasantly surprised. Su has a keen sense of perception on what it is you might be confused about in your offering and has the skill set to guide you deeper into your intuition and inner knowing. Her gifts extend from not only being visually gifted, but also is in tune with guiding her clients deeper into their unique essence and what potential blocks might be standing in the way from someone accessing that essence. She seeks to give life to the essence of her clients and does this in a highly intuitive, deep and nurturing way. I highly recommend working with Su for those interested in integrating the business and spiritual aspects of their branding process".

Sonia H, USA

“Your presence is so important to me. It became clear just now on my walk that being understood and being supported in what I believe to be true is of the utmost importance”.

Nick Valencia

“This is how my brand was born @cjluxuryconsulting. Her image and branding strategy, the direction of the talented Susana Cortes. I tried it and it's amazing! In her online course I discovered the magic of animals and how they influence my life purpose”.

"Su, I'm so inspired by your infinite creativity and thrive to do new things! anyone caring for their brand or business should work with you! thanks for all the guidance I know your intentions are for the highest good”.


Branding Proposals | 2023-2024


Photo Collage:

Branding Proposals | 2023-2024

Artistic expression is my biggest passion, to play in infinite ways, to be a clear vessel for creativity to run through me. Art, poetry, music & movement are my prayers and offerings to the earth. It is my biggest pleasure to birth worlds from the cosmic source of infinite potential and bring beauty, healing & magic to the world.

My mission: To weave the most beautiful reality into the fabric of existence.

+506 8827 0350